Proofs used by some to support their devious practices
- 1st Proof:
Some who have little knowledge in Shari'ah claim that the words of the Prophet:
من سن في الإسلام سنة حسنة فله أجرها وأجر من عمل بها بعده من غير أن ينقص من أجورهم شيء، ومن سن في الإسلام سنة سيئة كان عليه وزرها ووزر من عمل بها من بعده من غير أن ينقص من أوزارهم شيء
Meaning: Whoever revives a good Sunnah in Islam, he would receive its reward and the reward of those who practice it; while the rewards of those who practice it would not be lessened. Whoever innovates a practice in Islam, he would receive its sin and the sin of those who practice it, while the sins of those who practice it would not be lessened.' (Muslim #1017)
Refutation: The Prophet said: 'Every Bid'ah is a means of deviation.' It is impossible that the Prophet utters a tradition which contradicts another. The scholars are unanimous on this matter.
To clarify this further, the Prophet said: 'Whoever revives a good Sunnah practice in Islam…' Bid'ah practices are not part of Islam! Furthermore, the Prophet described the Sunnah as 'good'; whereas, Bid'ah cannot be described as such. There is also a difference between 'reviving a Sunnah practice' and 'initiating and establishing a false Bid'ah practice'! The meaning of this narration is further clarified in the reason of the Hadeeth, which is as follows: a group of destitute people came to the Prophet; so he called people to give them whatever they could afford. A man from the Ansar came to the Prophet holding a pouch full of silver which was quite heavy, and he placed it in front of the Messenger. The Prophet was extremely happy, and said: 'Whoever revives a good Sunnah practice in Islam would receive its reward and the reward of those who practice it until the Day of Resurrection…' (Ahmed #18367)
Example: If a scholar goes to a country where Qur'an or the Sunnah of the Prophet is not taught and he sits in the Masjid and teaches people the Qur'an and Sunnah, or sends teachers to that country to teach its people, this would be considered reviving a Sunnah act. Also, if a person goes to a country where people shave off or shorten their beards, and he orders people to grow their beards, he would have revived the Sunnah in this regard. He would receive the reward equal to the reward of those who were guided through his efforts. The Messenger of Allah said: 'Trim the mustaches, and grow the beards, and differ from the polytheists.' (Agreed Upon)
When a person grows his beard and calls others to grow their beards and they listen to him, he would have revived the Sunnah in this regard. The above mentioned Hadeeth does not refer to one who innovates religious matters, for every religious innovation is a means of deviation. The Prophet said: 'Beware of innovated matters in Deen, for every innovated rite is a Bid'ah, and every Bid'ah is a means of misguidance.' (Tirmidhi #2600)
- 2nd Proof:
The words of Umar b. al-Khat'taab, with whom Allah is pleased:
نعمت البدعة هذه
Meaning: 'What a good Bid'ah this is!'
Refutation: Umar, with whom Allah is pleased, said these words when he gathered the people in Taraweeh (Night Prayer) under one Imam. He meant the linguistic, not the legal sense of the word.
Keep in mind that Taraweeh prayer has an origin in the Shari'ah! Umar, with whom Allah is pleased, did not innovate it; rather, he revived the Sunnah of the Prophet. The Prophet prayed it with the Companions for three nights and then he stopped praying it in congregation, because he feared that it would become obligatory on his Ummah. He said: 'I fear that it will become incumbent upon you, and you would not be able to do it.' (Bukhari #1908)
The Companions, with whom Allah is pleased, prayed Taraweeh during the Prophet's lifetime, and continued doing so after his death. They would pray together in groups in the Prophet's Masjid.
Umar, with whom Allah is pleased, gathered people under one Imam, for what the Prophet had feared would no longer come to pass. The Shari'ah was completed with his death; thus, nothing could be added to it, and that is why he said: 'What a good Bid'ah this is!'
Our Stance from People of Bid'ah
Allah, the Exalted, says:(Say (O Muhammad) to these idolaters: follow what has been sent down unto you from your Rubb, and follow not any Auliya' (protectors and helpers, etc.) besides Him.) (7:3)...
Read More +Reasons for the spread of Bid'ah
Not applying the Shari'ah of Allah, and being content with other than it. Allah says: (O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad) and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority. (And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger () if you believe in Allah and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination.) (4:59) ...
Read More +Conditions for the Acceptance of Good Deeds
The deeds of slaves will not be accepted unless two conditions are met:
1st Condition: Sincerity. i.e. the deeds must be done sincerely for the sake of Allah. Allah says:
(And they were commanded not but that they should worship Allah, and worship none but Him Alone (abstaining from ascribing partners to Him) and perform As-Salat and give Zakat: and that is the right Deen.) (98:5)